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Key Benefits

The proposals will bring forward considerable benefits to Holyport, RBWM, and the region. Some of these key benefits include:
Holyport Studios will create c.1,500 FTE local jobs and c.1,800 jobs through construction. These will be well-paid jobs requiring a range of skill sets, enabling the upskilling, and growing of the comparatively low Berkshire employment base.
The UK’s total spend on film & high-end TV productions for 2021 was nearly £6 billion, up from £4 billion in 2019.  Due to the undersupply of studio space and the opportunity Holyport Studios presents, a significant portion of this spend can be directed in future towards Holyport Studios.
Holyport Studios will provide a substantial training and apprenticeships programme, including an opportunity to create a new ‘Berkshire Skills Hub’, and a commitment to deliver a Holyport Studios Education, Skills and Employment Plan.
We are committed to a Local Procurement Strategy at Holyport Studios, to ensure that the supply chain utilises businesses and residents in the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead wherever feasible.
A new ecologically enhancing nature park for Holyport and delivering significant biodiversity net gain across the Site.
Net-zero carbon design with ambitions to far-exceed target energy credentials.

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Melisa Geshteja of SP Broadway at melisa@spbroadway.com